About Me

DCE2010_warm up block

A synchronized skating competition in 2010.

Hi! My name is Christian. I am an adult figure skater who started skating at age sixteen. I’m now in my mid-thirties. For the most part, skating is a hobby for me. I have competed in non-qualifying competitions in freestyle, production team, and synchronized skating. When life gets really busy, I tend to take a break from skating (i.e. college, grad school, etc.).

In July 2015, I moved from the East Coast to the Midwest. One of the first things I did was look for the local ice rinks. I now have a new skating club and coach, and I’m working on Intermediate Moves in the Field and Adult Silver Freestyle tests. I also do some coaching with a Learn to Skate program.

In addition to skating, I’m a medical librarian. You can follow my librarian ramblings on my other blog: Climbing the Stacks.

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